Last Updated February 9th 2025
Just to let everybody know we are still Catering & Delivering BBQ while
adhering to COVID government restrictions & standards.
FYI, I, BBQbyDan (Dan Cannon) have been
We have always, typically, operate & serve
outside or inside upon request. We will wear face masks & shields & practice social distancing,
while adhering to current practices & honoring customer requests. Please give us a call and let us talk
about options for making your special event happen !!!
Thanks, Dan

<BBQ Bivouac, 2018, Pictures>
<BBQ Bivouac, 2016, Pictures>
< Q-Fest, 2015, Pictures >
< Q-Fest, 2014, Pictures >
< Q-Fest,
2013, Pictures >
< Q-Fest,
2012, Pictures >
< Q-Fest,
2011, Pictures >
< Q-Fest,
2010, Pictures >
< Q-Fest,
2009, Pictures >
< Q-Fest, 2008, Pictures >
< Q-Fest,
2007, Pictures >
BBQ Bivouac, 2006, Pictures >
< Q-Fest, 2006, Pictures >
< Q-Fest,
2005, Pictures >
Q-Fest, 2004, Pictures >
< Q-Fest,
2003, Pictures >
& the very 1st Q-Fest here in Southern
Q-Fest, 1998, Pictures >
Twentynine Palms Marine Base
Cooking BBQ for
13,000-18,000 Marines & their dependants
< pictures & write-up from this event >

< pictures & write-up from this event >
Team BBQbyDan (Rick & Karen Streiff, Dan
& Barbara Cannon) head out to Twentynine Palms Marine Base to provide
support to the California BBQ Association (CBBQA) as well as many volunteers
in providing a BBQ dinner to the Marines and their dependents at the
Twentynine Palms Marine Base sports field. We will all go out on
Friday, arriving in the early afternoon to prep meats, setup smokers, and
cook the traditional award winning BBQ faire that we all do so often.
All BBQ groups and volunteers are contributing (at no charge) their
time, efforts, equipment, and fuels.
Friday evening late afternoon and evening will be dedicated to unwrapping,
trimming, and seasoning 350 full size Briskets. That would be 4,662
pounds. Yes, it takes a lot of brisket to feed 18,000 folks.
Briskets will come off the cookers early Saturday, go into warmers, then
quartered and Buffalo Chopped, then into foil pans, and into the final
warmers ready to serve for dinner. Chicken, Hamburgers, and Hot Dogs
will also be served. This is the 5th year that Team BBQbyDan has had
the privilege of being a part of this great event.
Del King is one of the originators, catalysts, and unbroken link that keeps
these events happening. He keeps the Military involved, all the
volunteers updated, events planned, and is ready on a moments notice to do
an event like this anywhere.
< pictures & write-up from this event >
< more pictures & information >
Team "BBQbyDan" is featured in
A Swedish Newspaper -
Specifically in their supplemental magazine that was directed towards BBQ
< more pictures & information >

California BBQ Association Hall of Fame
pictured as of BBQ-Bivouac, 28-January-2019
at San Dimas / Lake Puddingstone, California
From the left top -
Brent Walton, Kim Walton, Frank Boyer, Ric Gilbert, Dan Cannon (BBQbyDan),
Randy Gille, Ben Lobenstein, Darry Smith, Harry Soo, & Thom Emery
From the left bottom - Jerry Aguilar, Hayward Harris, Sterling Ball,
Andrew Soto, Stephan Franklin, Donna Fong, Steve Madule, Bill Keyes,
Lawrence Hill, Kelly McIntosh, Kathleen McIntosh, & Gene Goycochea
< California BBQ HOF History & Information >
California BBQ BBQ Association
*** Hall of Fame ***
BBQbyDan (Dan
Cannon) inducted into the California BBQ Association
- 2007
"Hall of Fame"
as an inaugural inductee!

I was most honored, humbled, and quite surprised, to be presented this honor
by Thom Emery, President of the California BBQ Association (above). It
is something I will appreciate and relish from this day on. The criteria
used to select the inductees is based on:
1. Community Service
2. Willingness to share & educate the public & new teams.
3. Competition
4. Service to all in the California BBQ Association

See this and more BBQ History at this
BBQ History link >
BBQ Event Information
Award Winning,
Signature Rubs & Seasonings
< more
information >
Charitable Military BBQ Cooking Events

< click here to follow recent and past activities >

BBQbyDan Ole Hickory Pit #2
< click to see more pictures of this pit >
The second Ole Hickory Pit. This
model can handle 650 pounds of meat at a time, on 15 rotisserie
(self-basting) shelves, thermostatically controlled low-and-slow perfect
smoking, with evenly cooked product produced every time with two 1/4 horse
large convection fans.

BBQbyDan Ole Hickory Pit #1
< click to see more pictures of this pit >
The first Ole Hickory Pit used as the
master unit with #2 pit above. Together they provide for over 1000
pounds of meat conking capability

BBQbyDan Commissary Trailer #1
< click to see more pictures of this trailer >
A Commissary Trailer fully loaded with all cooking & living amenities.

BBQbyDan Prep Trailer #1
click to see more pictures of this trailer >
A Prep Trailer fully loaded with all perpetration & serving amenities.

BBQbyDan Off-Set Smoking Pit #3
< click to see more pictures of this pit >
additional off-set pit capable of cooking 750+ pounds of additional meat.
Used with the above Ole Hickory's when super-large events are occurring.
Charitable Military BBQ Cooking Events
& Operation BBQ for our Troops (OBBFOT)
Information, Updated as Events Occur
< click here to follow recent and past activities >

There is much activity and enthusiasm
that continues to occur reference "Operation BBQ for our Troops" events.
Specifically driven here in California by the VERY dedicated individual, Del
King and many other volunteers and generous corporate sponsors. There
are multiple large scale events in the works for the near future. I
will keep this link very current and exciting to be a part of and follow...
< click here to follow recent and past activities >
Ruby, 1995 -
Rocky's sister,
Always Hunting, Always Serious, Always Loving,
Always kept Rocky in Line, Always Quiet
Rocky, 1995 - 2004
Ruby's brother,
Always Smiling, Always Happy, Always Loving, Always Hungry, Always
Talking |
Inc., BBQDan,
BBQ Whisperer,
CRK Specialty Q,
Coyote Road Kill
, BBQQfest , BBQ-Bivouac, BBQBivouac,,,, , ,,
Registered Trademark (BBQbyDanฎ
Class 043), Service Marks, & Trademarks, claimed 1998-2025 by BBQbyDan
& websites
All rights reserved. No content can be used for
commercial purposes without written consent.
Content used for
educational purposes or media review must include appropriate source
08 Feb 2025 16:48